Attention Ladies!
We offer you the opportunity to purchase a sub-franchise, to work with children between the ages of 2 and 10 years and own your own business. You decide how many hours a week you need to put into your business to make it profitable, affordable and flexible to suit your needs.
We are a well-established company and internationally recognized. We are now offering licences in South Africa.
Today’s children spend far too much time watching T.V, playing with computers and do not spend enough time outside playing and doing physical activities such as running, hopping and skipping. Therefore their gross motor skills are not fully developed, posture is poor, language and descriptive skills are often under-developed and social skills are lacking.
ActionBall offers a movement development program that has been accepted into pre-schools by teachers and principals as they recognize the need for this type of activity. ActionBall is unique as it offers a holistic program that takes care of all the child’s developmental needs.
At an affordable rate to the parents of R200 per month, for a half an hour lesson per week, the children are instructed in groups of no more than 12.
Cost of the Licence:
R7 000.00, which includes training, manuals and start up kit.
Royalties payable are R1840 per month per license holder for eleven months of the year. This is equal to your first 8 children.
Fill in Application Enquire form